Thursday, August 4, 2011

6 Year Old Girl A Victim Of A Hate Crime

In Livonia, MI, a 6 year old Saniya was at the AMC 20 on Sunday when a passing red F-150 truck with a black cover on the bed threw a cup of soda or something at Saniya and hit her in the face as her and her family were walking out of the movie theater after seeing the Smurfs. The men in the truck threw the cup that hit her in the face and were shouting racial slurs and making monkey noises at the little girl and her family. Her parents said, it happened so quickly they didn't even know what had happened until they looked up and saw the men driving away shouting.
They contacted the police and who are looking for a faded red pick up truck with a black bed cover. The truck had two or three men in the truck. Saniya's parents said, they were too stunned to get the description of the men and the plate number of the pick up truck. However, the police are looking at the surveillance videos to see if they can see a description of the men and the plate number of the truck. But, without a good description of the men and the plate number, it is unlikely the police will catch the men who are likely to do it again, because they got away with it.
It is terrible that a 6 year old is a victim of hate crime at the hands of adults. The six year old looked at her mommy and said, "Why did they do that?" Little Saniya was confused and didn't even know what was going on. I am sure she will remember this incident for the rest of her life. You can't blame it on the area, because Livonia is a nice area.


  1. This is detestable! I cannot believe the ignorance of people! It saddens me that we still have this type of serious stupidity and ignorance in our world, especially in the U.S.

  2. It amazes me too. The kind of stuff that still goes on. The poor little girl will always have some sort of distrust towards caucasions, because she will have that fear inside of her of what they may think about her, or do to her.

  3. This is horrible! A tear came to my eye when i heard this story. I know their are still people like this in the world but how can you do that to a defenseless child. That man is disgusting.

  4. It is horrible. I don't know anyone could do this to another person. Let alone, a little child.

  5. Poor sweet baby:(
    I just have no words...

  6. I saw a segment on FOX 2 about this earlier today - Livonia has a strong reputation for racist policy as a hidden agenda- I'm so glad to see the powers that be come out so strongly for this family and speak out against the incident. No child should have to experience this - the perps should be punished AND shamed by their community.

  7. I missed that one. Thanks for the info. I will be sure never to move to Livonia or try to visit as little as possible.
